Joan of Arc
Collections Published per Year: (1852 highlighted)
- Collection: a001 · Notable Women in History: The Lives of Women Who in All Ages, All Lands and in All Womanly Occupations Have Won Fame and Put Their Imprint on the World's History.
- Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1913
- London: Greening, 1913
- London: Ballantyne, Hanson and Company, 1914
- London: Abbeville Press, n.d.
- Collection: a008 · Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women: A Series of Chapters from Female Biography.
- London: Sonnenschein, 1883
- London: Sonnenschein, 1885
- London: Sonnenschein & Lowery, 1887
- New York: Dutton, 1895
- London: Sonnenschein, 1895
- Collection: a011 · Some Historic Women; or, Biographical Studies of Women Who Have Made History.
- London: J. Hogg, 1891 · [brackets]
- London: J. Hogg, 1890-99 · [brackets]
- London: J. Hogg, n.d.
- Collection: a019A · Daughters Known to Fame.
- Chicago: A. Whitman, 1932
- Chicago: A. Whitman, 1942
- New York: A. Whitman, 1935
- Collection: a154 · Lives of Eminent Women and Tales for Girls, from Chambers' Miscellany.
- London: Chambers, 1886
- Edinburgh: Chambers, 1886
- Collection: a164 · Sketches of the Women of Christendom By the Author of "Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family."
- New York: Dodd, Mead, 1880
- London: Pott, 1880
- New York: Pott, 1880
- London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), 1889
- London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), 1900? · [brackets]
- New York: Young, 1889
- New York: Young, 1900? · [brackets]
- Collection: a174 · World-Noted Women; or, Types of Womanly Attributes of All Lands and Ages.
- New York: Appleton, 1857
- New York: Appleton, 1858
- New York: Appleton, 1868
- New York: Appleton, 1871
- Collection: a177 · Female Warriors: Memorials of Female Valour and Heroism, from the Mythological Ages to the Present Era.
- London: Tinsley, 1879
- Collection: a207 · Some Famous Women.
- London: Longmans, Green, 1909
- Collection: a210 · Boys and Girls Who Became Famous.
- London: Harrap, 1929
- New York: Harcourt, n.d.
- Collection: a214 · Woman in History.
- New York: Neale, 1908
- Washington, DC: Neale, 1908
- Collection: a219 · Twelve More Ladies; Good, Bad and Indifferent.
- London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932
- Collection: a272 · Facts to Correct Fancies; or, Short Narratives Compiled from the Biography of Remarkable Women. Written for Children, by a Mother
- London: Harris, 1840
- New York: Francis, 1845
- New York: Francis, 1846
- London: Grant & Griffith, 1800s? · [brackets]
- New York: Miller, 1861
- Collection: a281 · Five Famous French Women.
- London: Cassell, 1907
- Collection: a293 · Fifty Famous Women and the Lessons of Their Lives: Illustrated with Numerous Wood Engravings. Fifty Famous Women, Their Virtues and Failings and the Lessons of Their Lives.
- London: Ward, Lock, 1850? · [brackets]
- London: Ward, Lock, 1879 · [brackets]
- London: Ward, Lock, 1881 · [brackets]
- New York: Ward, Lock, 1879 · [brackets]
- New York: Ward, Lock, 1881 · [brackets]
- London: Ward, Lock, & Tyler, 1864
- London: Ward, Lock, & Tyler, 1876
- Collection: a331 · World-Famous Women: a Portrait Gallery of Female Loveliness, Achievement and Influence, From Semiramis to Eugenie.
- New York: Derby & Jackson, 1859
- New York: Derby & Jackson, 1861
- New York: Derby & Jackson, 1879-80
- Collection: a332 · Lives of Celebrated Women.
- Boston: Thompson, Bigelow & Brown, 1843
- Boston: Taggard & Thompson, 1843
- Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1844
- Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1846
- Boston: Hickman, 1844
- Boston: Thompson & Brown, 1845
- New York: Allen, 1844
- Boston: Bradbury & Soden, 1844
- New York: J. Allen, 1844
- Boston: Pierce & Rand, 1848
- Boston: Rand & Mann, 1849
- Boston: Rand, Cornhill & Reynolds, 1852
- Boston: Rand, Cornhill & Reynolds, 1853
- Boston: Rand, Cornhill & Reynolds, 1854
- Boston: Rand, Cornhill & Reynolds, 1856
- Boston: Rand & Reynolds, 1855
- Boston: Rand & Avery, 1856
- Boston: Bradbury & Soden, 1856
- Boston: Higgins & Bradley, 1856
- Boston: Higgins & Bradley, 1857
- Boston: Taggard & Thompson, 1864
- Boston: Locke, 1876
- Collection: a345 · Women in War.
- London: Low, Marston, 1916
- London: Dutton, 1917
- New York: Dutton, 1917
- Collection: a360 · Lessons from Women's Lives.
- Edinburgh: n.p., 1867 · [brackets]
- Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1870 · [brackets]
- London: Nimmo, 1877
- London: M'Farlane & Erskine, 1877
- Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1880
- Edinburgh: Nimmo, Hay & Mitchel, 1889
- Collection: a373 · A Pageant of Great Women.
- London: The Suffrage Shop, 1910 · [brackets]
- London: Suffragette Fellowship, 1948 · [brackets]
- Collection: a403 · Heroines of History.
- New York: Cornish, Lamport, 1852
- New York: Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman, 1855
- New York: Sheldon, 1859
- Philadelphia: Evans, 1860
- Philadelphia: Davis, Porter & Coates, 1866
- Collection: a409 · Historic Girlhoods.
- Philadelphia: Smith, 1910
- Philadelphia: Jacobs, 1910
- Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 1910
- Collection: a419 · A Group of Famous Women: Stories of Their Lives.
- Boston: Heath, 1914
- New York: Heath, 1914
- Collection: a433 · Stories of Remarkable Women.
- Boston: Lothrop, 1887
- Collection: a448 · Memoirs of Celebrated Women.
- London: Bentley, 1836
- London: Bentley, 1837
- Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1839
- London: Routledge, 1876
- Collection: a454 · Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illustrious Women. Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illustrious Women: Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne Boleyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiramis, Zenobia, Boadicea, Isabella of Castile, Berengaria, etc.
- London: Routledge, 1839
- London: Routledge, 1870
- London: Routledge, 1890
- Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1870
- Philadelphia: Coates, 1900s? · [brackets]
- Rochester, NY: Graves, 1870? · [brackets]
- New York: MacLellan, 1910
- Collection: a461 · Heroines of History.
- Auburn, NY, and Buffalo, NY: Beardsley, 1851
- Peoria, IL: S. H. and G. Burnett, 1852
- Peoria, IL: S. H. and G. Burnett, 1853
- Auburn, NY: Alden, Beardsley, 1851
- Auburn, NY: Alden, Beardsley, 1852
- Auburn, NY: Alden, Beardsley, 1855
- Auburn, NY: Alden, Beardsley, 1853
- Auburn, NY: Alden, Beardsley, 1857
- Rochester, NY: Wandser, Beardsley, 1851
- Rochester, NY: Wandser, Beardsley, 1852
- Rochester, NY: Wandser, Beardsley, 1855
- Rochester, NY: Wandser, Beardsley, 1853
- Rochester, NY: Wandser, Beardsley, 1857
- Chicago: Kerr, Doughty & Lapham, 1853
- New York: R. Carter, 1854
- Rochester: Alden and Beardsley, 1855
- New York: Alden and Beardsley, 1855
- New Orleans: Burnett & Bostwick, 1854
- New York: James Sheehy, 1883
- Hartford, CT: J. Betts, 1874
- Hartford, CT: J. Betts, 1879
- New York: J. C. Derby, 1855
- Rochester: J. C. Derby, 1855
- Collection: a507A · The Children's Book of Heroines.
- London: George G. Harrap, 1940
- London: George G. Harrap, 1948
- Collection: a514 · Lives of Celebrated Women.
- New York: Allison, 1875
- New York: Allison, 1890
- New York: Lovell, 1910
- Collection: a519 · Great Women in Christian History.
- London: Cassell, 1940
- Collection: a520 · Great Women
- New York: J. Clarke, 1886
- Collection: a527 · Heroines That Every Child Should Know: Tales for Young People of the World's Heroines of All Ages.
- New York: Doubleday, Page, 1907
- New York: Doubleday, Page, 1908
- New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1908
- New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1915 · [brackets]
- Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page, 1912
- Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1928
- Collection: a569 · World-Famous Women: Types of Heroism, Beauty and Influence Including the Life, and Diamond Jubilee of Victoria Sixty Years a Queen.
- Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1897
- Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1897
- Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1901
- Collection: a570 · Heroines: True Tales of Brave Women: A Book for British Girls.
- London: S. W. Partridge, 1900? · [brackets]
- Collection: a579 · Courageous Women.
- Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1934
- Collection: a589 · Gems of Womanhood; or, Sketches of Distinguished Women in Various Ages and Nations
- London: Gall and Inglis, 1870
- Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 1870
- London and Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis, 1880-94 · [brackets]
- Collection: a616 · The Heroines of History.
- New York: Carlton & Phillips; Cincinnati, OH: Hitchcock & Walden, 1854
- New York: Carlton & Phillips; Cincinnati, OH: Hitchcock & Walden, 1856
- London: Routledge, 1854
- London: Routledge, 1858
- London: Routledge, 1877 · [brackets]
- New York: Routledge, 1854
- New York: Routledge, 1858
- New York: Routledge, 1877 · [brackets]
- Collection: a619 · Illustrious Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves for Virtue, Piety and Benevolence.
- London: Blackwood, 1861
- London: Blackwood, 1868
- Collection: a624 · Daughters of Genius: A Series of Sketches of Authors, Artists, Reformers, and Heroines, Queens, Princesses, and Women of Society, Women Eccentric and Peculiar, from the Most Recent and Authentic Sources.
- Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1885
- Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1886
- Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1888
- New York: American, 1890
- Collection: a626 · The World's Famous Women: A Series of Sketches of Women Who Have Won Distinction by Their Genius and Achievements as Authors, Artists, Actors, Rulers, or within the Precincts of the Home.
- New York: Alden, 1888
- New York: American, 1888
- Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1889
- New York: Lovell, n.d.
- New York: Edgewood, 1890
- New York: International, 1890s? · [brackets]
- Collection: a628 · Noted Women of Europe and America: Authors, Artists, Reformers, and Heroines, Queens, Princesses and Women of Society, Women Eccentric or Peculiar: From the Most Recent and Authentic Sources.
- Hartford, CT: Phoenix, 1883
- Boston: Wilson, 1884
- Collection: a631 · People's Book of Biography; or, Short Lives of the Most Interesting Persons of All Ages and Countries by James Parton. Richly Illustrated with Twelve Steel Engravings.
- New York: Virtue & Yorston, 1868
- New York: Virtue & Yorston, 1873
- Hartford, CT: Hale, 1868
- Hartford, CT: Hale, 1869
- Collection: a667 · Remarkable Women of Different Nations and Ages. 1st ser.
- Boston: Jewett, 1858
- Cleveland: Jewett, 1858
- Collection: a673 · Woman, First and Last: And What She Has Done.
- New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1887
- New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1891
- Cincinnati, OH: Cranston & Stowe, 1887
- Cincinnati, OH: Cranston & Stowe, 1891
- Collection: a678 · Fifty Famous Women.
- Atlanta: Emory University Press, 1936
- Collection: a692 · Extraordinary Women: Their Girlhood and Early Life.
- London: Routledge, 1857
- London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1860
- London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1864
- New York: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1860
- New York: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1864
- Collection: a698 · Famous Women.
- New York: DuMont, 1899
- Chicago: DuMont, 1899
- Chicago: Universal History, 1900
- Philadelphia: Universal History, 1900
- Philadelphia: DuMont, 1900
- New York: DuMont, 1902
- Philadelphia: Nolan, 1906
- Philadelphia: Nolan, 1907
- Philadelphia: Nolan, 1913
- Collection: a703 · Adventurous Women. Illustrated by J. P. Paterson.
- London: Nelson, 1933
- Collection: a724 · Famous Women as Described by Famous Writers.
- New York: Dodd, Mead, 1904
- New York: Dodd, Mead, 1907
- Collection: a734 · The Girlhood of Famous Women.
- London: Harrap, 1915
- London: Harrap, 1920
- London: Harrap, 1922
- Collection: a773 · Ten Girls From History.
- New York: Duffield, 1912 · [brackets]
- New York: Duffield, 1914
- London: Harper, 1912 · [brackets]
- London: Harper, 1919
- New York: Harper, 1912 · [brackets]
- New York: Harper, 1919
- Collection: a831 · The Warrior Woman.
- London: Treherne, 1902
- Collection: a847 · Heroic Women of History: Comprising Some of the Most Remarkable Examples of Female Courage, Disinterestedness, Devotion, and Self-Sacrifice of Ancient and Modern Times.
- Philadelphia: Gihon, 1854
- Philadelphia: Gihon, 1855
- Philadelphia: Leary and Getz, 1856
- Philadelphia: Leary and Getz, 1857
- Philadelphia: Potter, 1856
- Philadelphia: Potter, 1861
- Philadelphia: Potter, 1885
- Philadelphia: Keystone, 1890
- Cincinnati: United States Book and Bible Co, 1861
- Collection: a887 · A Book of Noble Women.
- Boston: Small, Maynard, 1907
- London: Methuen, 1907
- Collection: a927 · The Seven Heroines of Christendom: Joan of Arc, Margaret of Anjou, Isabella of Castile, Charlotte, Countess of Derby, Maria Theresa, Flora MacDonald, Marie Antoinette.
- London: Mullan, 1878
- London: Sonnenschein, 1878
- London: Sonnenschein, 1879
- London: Sonnenschein, 1888
- London: Sonnenschein, 1891
- Collection: c006 · De Memorabilibus et claris mulieribus aliquot diversorum scriptorum opera.
- Paris.: Parisiis, 1521
- Collection: c012 · Galerie de Femmes Fortes. The Gallery of Heroick Women. Translated by Marquesse of Winchester
- London: by R. Norton for Henry Seile, 1652
- Paris: Chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1647
- Collection: c014 · The Generall History of Women, Containing the Lives of the Most Holy and Profane....
- London: Printed by W. H. for W. H, 1657
- Collection: c025 · Biographium faemineum: The Female Worthies; or, Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Ladies, of All Ages and Nations, who Have Been Eminently Distinguished for Their Magnanimity, Learning, Genius, Virtue, Piety, and Other Excellent Endowments...Containing (Exclusive of Foreigners) the Lives of above Fourscore British Ladies...Collected from History, and the Most Approved Biographers, and Brought Down to the Present Time...
- London: Printed for S. Crowder, and J. Payne, 1766
- Collection: c030 · Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters, Ancient and Modern. Including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune-Tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers and Vagrants: Also Many Others who Have Distinguished Themselves by Their Chastity, Dissipation, Intrepidity, Learning, Abstinence, Credulity, &c., &c.: Alphabetically Arranged: Forming a Pleasing Mirror of Reflection to the Female Mind. Ornamented with Portraits of the Most Singular Characters in the Work.
- Worcester, MA: Printed by Isaiah Thomas, 1804 · [brackets]
- Worcester: I. Thomas, for Homans, Boston, 1805
- London: Printed by J. Cundee, sold by T. Hurst, 1803
- Collection: c052 · Records of Woman: With Other Poems.
- London: T. Cadell, 1828
- Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1828
- Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little & Wilkins, 1828
- Collection: p007 · Herstory
- New York: Viking Penguin, 1995
- Collection: p026E · Great Women of the Christian Faith.
- Chappaqua, NY: Christian Herald Books, 1959
- Westwood, NJ: Barbour, 1959
- London: Independent Press, 1959
- London: Independent Press, 1960
- New York: Harper, 1959
- Collection: p034 · The 100 Greatest Women of All Time.
- Oxford, England: Past Times, 1997
- Oxford, England: Past Times, 2002
- Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1996
- Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1997
- London: Constable & Robinson, 1997
- Collection: p062A · Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors Thought).
- San Diego: Harcourt, 2000
- New York: Scholastic, 2001
- Collection: p109 · 100 Women Who Shaped World History.
- San Francisco, CA: Bluewood, 1994
- Singapore: Topan, 1996
- Collection: p136 · Living Biographies of Famous Women.
- Garden City, NY: Garden City, 1942
- Garden City, NY: Garden City, 1959
- Garden City, NY: Blue Ribbon Books, 1942
- Garden City, NY: Blue Ribbon Books, 1946
- Garden City, NY: Halcyon House, 1942
- Garden City, NY: Halcyon House, 1947
- Garden City, NY: Perma Giants, 1942
- Garden City, NY: Perma Giants, 1950
- New York: Book League of America, 1942
- London: Allen, 1959