Books / Collections ~ a628

Noted Women of Europe and America: Authors, Artists, Reformers, and Heroines, Queens, Princesses and Women of Society, Women Eccentric or Peculiar: From the Most Recent and Authentic Sources.

  • eminent models, modern periods
  • Society or High Rank, English
  • Society or High Rank, U.S.
  • writers

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B16202Sally Bush (Lincoln's Stepmother)
2B16203Lydia Maria Child
3B16204Miss Prudence Crandall (Quaker Teacher Willing to Help Blacks)
4B16205Harriet Beecher Stowe
5B16206Louisa May Alcott
6B16207George Eliot
7B16208Princess Louise
8B16209Fanny Mendelssohn
9B16210Angelica Kaufmann
10B16211Baroness Burdett-Coutts
11B16212Celia Thaxter
12B16213Jane Carlyle
13B16214Mrs. Benedict Arnold
14B16215Adelaide Procter
15B16216Lady Bloomfield
16B16217Mother of Victor Hugo
17B16218Laura Bridgman
18B16219Martha Washington
19B16220Madame de Stael
20B16221Elizabeth Christine, Wife of Frederick the Great
21B16222Empress Eugenie
22B16223Caroline Herschel
23B16224Phoebe Yates Pember
24B16225Maria Mitchell
25B16226Mrs. Trollope
26B16227Adelaide Phillips
27B16228Queen Anne
28B16229Queen Mary (as in William &)
29B16230Mary Somerville
30B16231Lady Morgan
31B16232Maria Theresa
32B16233Lady Franklin
33B16234Mme. de Miramion
36B16237Joan of Arc
37B16238Queen Elizabeth
38B16239Mme. Lafayette
39B16240Betty Patterson, or Mme Jerome Bonaparte
40B16241Toru Dutt (Christian Poet of India)
41B16242Peg O'Neal
42B16243Mrs. Eaton
43B16244Harriet Martineau
44B16245Grace Darling


  1. James Parton · Author


  1. Hartford, CT: Phoenix, 1883
  2. Boston: Wilson, 1884