Women / Persons ~ P14849
Mary Queen of Scots
Alternate Names:
- Mary I of Scotland
- Mary, Queen of Scots
- Mary Queen of Scotland
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Mary Stewart
- Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland
- Marie Stuart
Gender: Female
Life Dates: 8 December 1542 – 8 February 1587
- Royalty
- Writer, hymns
Biographies (48 Total)
- Court and Age of Elizabeth: Drayton, Daniel, Drummond, Mary Queen of Scots, Marot and Diana de Poictiers, Ronsard’s Cassandre, Ronsard’s Marie, Ronsard’s Helene Author: Anna Brownell Jameson . Collection Title: Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. 1829
- Marie Stuart Author: Pierre de Bourdeille Seigneur de Brantôme . Collection Title: The Book of the Ladies, by Pierre de Bourdeïlle, Abbé de Brantôme. 1899
- Marie Stuart, Queen of Scotland Author: Pierre de Bourdeille Seigneur de Brantôme . Collection Title: Le Livre des dames The Book of the Ladies; or, Lives of Illustrious Dames. The Book of the Ladies (Illustrious Dames): With Elucidations on Some of Those Ladies by C.A. Sainte-Beuve. 1665
- Mary of Scotland Author: John Stilwell Jenkins . Collection Title: Heroines of History. 1851
- Mary of Scotland Author: Eleanor Scott . Collection Title: Adventurous Women. Illustrated by J. P. Paterson. 1933
- Mary of Scotland Author: anon0001 . Collection Title: Biographium faemineum: The Female Worthies; or, Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Ladies, of All Ages and Nations, who Have Been Eminently Distinguished for Their Magnanimity, Learning, Genius, Virtue, Piety, and Other Excellent Endowments...Containing (Exclusive of Foreigners) the Lives of above Fourscore British Ladies...Collected from History, and the Most Approved Biographers, and Brought Down to the Present Time. 1766
- Mary Queen of Scotland Author: George Ballard . Collection Title: Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain: Who Have Been Celebrated for Their Writings or Skill in the Learned Languages, Arts and Sciences. 1752
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Annie S. Strachan . Collection Title: Famous Women in Scottish Story. 1909
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Willis John Abbot . Collection Title: Notable Women in History: The Lives of Women Who in All Ages, All Lands and in All Womanly Occupations Have Won Fame and Put Their Imprint on the World's History. 1913
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Margaret R. Keary . Collection Title: Great Scotswomen. 1933
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: anon0016 . Collection Title: Fifty Famous Women and the Lessons of Their Lives: Illustrated with Numerous Wood Engravings. Fifty Famous Women, Their Virtues and Failings and the Lessons of Their Lives. 1850?
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Mary Ridpath Mann . Collection Title: Royal Women: Their History and Romance. 1913
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Henry Thomas , Dana Lees Thomas . Collection Title: Living Biographies of Famous Women. 1942
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: William Russell . Collection Title: Extraordinary Women: Their Girlhood and Early Life. 1857
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: . Collection Title: Herstory. 1995
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: Ann Hasseltine Judson . Collection Title: Sketches of the Lives of Distinguished Females: Written for Girls, with a View to Their Mental and Moral Improvement. 1833
- Mary Queen of Scots Author: anon0025 . Collection Title: Lives of Celebrated Women. 1875
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Anna Brownell Jameson . Collection Title: Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 1831
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Lena C. Ahlers . Collection Title: Daughters Known to Fame. 1932
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: George Washington Bethune . Collection Title: The British Female Poets: With Biographical and Critical Notices. 1848
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Rev. Davis Wasgatt Clark . Collection Title: Portraits of Celebrated Women: With Brief Biographies. 1863
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Ellen Creathorne Clayton . Collection Title: Female Warriors: Memorials of Female Valour and Heroism, from the Mythological Ages to the Present Era. 1879
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Sidney Dark . Collection Title: Twelve Great Ladies. 1928
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Frank Boott Goodrich . Collection Title: World-Famous Women: a Portrait Gallery of Female Loveliness, Achievement and Influence, From Semiramis to Eugenie. . 1859
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Samuel Griswold Goodrich . Collection Title: Lives of Celebrated Women. 1843
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Rupert Sargent Holland . Collection Title: Historic Girlhoods. 1910
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Robert Cornelius V. Meyers . Collection Title: World-Famous Women: Types of Heroism, Beauty and Influence Including the Life, and Diamond Jubilee of Victoria Sixty Years a Queen. 1897
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: Mrs. Octavius Freire Owen . Collection Title: The Heroines of History. 1854
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: John Tillotson . Collection Title: Lives of Illustrious Women of England: Or, Biographical Treasury: Containing Memoirs of Royal, Noble, and Celebrated British Females of the Past and Present Day. 1850
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: George Frederick Pardon . Collection Title: Illustrious Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves for Virtue, Piety and Benevolence. 1861
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: . Collection Title: Famous Women as Described by Famous Writers. 1904
- Mary, Queen of Scots Author: anon0002 . Collection Title: Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters, Ancient and Modern. Including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune-Tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers and Vagrants: Also Many Others who Have Distinguished Themselves by Their Chastity, Dissipation, Intrepidity, Learning, Abstinence, Credulity, &c., &c.: Alphabetically Arranged: Forming a Pleasing Mirror of Reflection to the Female Mind. Ornamented with Portraits of the Most Singular Characters in the Work. 1803
- Mary Queen of Scots (1542-1587): An Executed Monarch Author: Mrs. Clyde Robertson . Collection Title: Fifty Famous Women. 1936
- Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Bothwell Author: . Collection Title: Famous Affinities of History.
- Mary Stewart Author: Pierre Le Moyne . Collection Title: Galerie de Femmes Fortes. The Gallery of Heroick Women. Translated by Marquesse of Winchester. 1647
- Mary Stuart Author: Baron Arthur Léon Imbert de Saint-Amand. Collection Title: Women of the Valois Court. 1893
- Mary Stuart Author: Frank Hamel . Collection Title: The Dauphines of France. 1909
- Mary Stuart Author: Baron Arthur Léon Imbert de Saint-Amand. Collection Title: Women of the Valois Court. 1893
- Mary Stuart Author: Henry Clay Watson . Collection Title: Heroic Women of History: Comprising Some of the Most Remarkable Examples of Female Courage, Disinterestedness, Devotion, and Self-Sacrifice of Ancient and Modern Times. 1854
- Mary Stuart and Chastelar Author: Sutherland Menzies . Collection Title: Royal Favourites. 1865
- Mary Stuart and Some of Her Contemporaries Author: Mrs. Steuart Erskine . Collection Title: Beautiful Women in History and Art. 1905
- Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland Author: Miss Katie Daffan . Collection Title: Woman in History. 1908
- Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots Author: Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton . Collection Title: A Book of Noble Women. 1907
- Queen Elizabeth, and Mary, Queen of Scotts Author: Mrs. Lydia Hoyt Farmer . Collection Title: The Girls' Book of Famous Queens. 1887
- Queenly and Noble Hymn Writers Author: Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman . Collection Title: Lady Hymn Writers. 1892
- Queen Mary of Scotland Author: Euphemia Johnson Guernsey Richmond . Collection Title: Woman, First and Last: And What She Has Done. 1887
- Queens in Profile Author: Teodor de Wyzewa , C. H. Jeaffreson . Collection Title: Some Women, Loving or Luckless. 1909
- The Enigma of History (Mary, Queen of Scots) Author: Professor S. W. Williams M.A.. Collection Title: Queenly Women, Crowned and Uncrowned. 1880s?