Women / Persons ~ P09159
Elizabeth Fry
Alternate Names:
- Elizabeth Fry, the Prison Reformer
- Elizabeth Fry
- Elizabeth Gurney Fry
- Mrs. Joseph Fry
- Mrs. Fry
- Mrs. Elizabeth Fry
- Elizabeth Gurney
- Betsy Gurney
- The Angel of the Prisons
- The Female Howard
Gender: Female
Life Dates: 21 May 1780 – 12 October 1845
- Reformer, political
Biographies (55 Total)
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Ellen Creathorne Clayton . Collection Title: Heroines Worthy of the Red Cross. Florence Nightingale. Elizabeth Bunyan. Elizabeth Fry. 1883
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Cicely Mary Hamilton . Collection Title: A Pageant of Great Women. 1910
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Edith Horton . Collection Title: A Group of Famous Women: Stories of Their Lives. 1914
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Elbert Hubbard . Collection Title: Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2: Famous Women. 1894-97
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Meade Middleton . Collection Title: Five Women of England. 1880
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Mrs. Octavius Freire Owen . Collection Title: The Heroines of Domestic Life. 1861
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Euphemia Johnson Guernsey Richmond . Collection Title: Woman, First and Last: And What She Has Done. 1887
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Eleanor Scott . Collection Title: Heroic Women. 1939
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Lydia Huntley Sigourney . Collection Title: Great and Good Women: Biographies for Girls. 1866
- Elizabeth Fry Author: George Barnett Smith . Collection Title: Noble Womanhood: A Series of Biographical Sketches. 1894
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Margaret Emma Tabor . Collection Title: Pioneer Women. 1925
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Lucy Bethia Walford . Collection Title: Four Biographies from 'Blackwood': Jane Taylor, Elizabeth Fry, Hannah More, Mary Somerville. 1888
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Ethel Mary Wilmot-Buxton . Collection Title: A Book of Noble Women. 1907
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Edith Alderman Deen . Collection Title: Great Women of the Christian Faith. 1959
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Gail Meyer Rolka . Collection Title: 100 Women Who Shaped World History. 1994
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Albert Walker . Collection Title: Eminent Women: With Lessons from Their Lives: Being Examples for Girls. 1877
- Elizabeth Fry Author: William Anderson D.D.. Collection Title: Model Women. 1870
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Sarah Knowles Bolton . Collection Title: Lives of Girls Who Became Famous. 1886
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Florence Emily Hardy . Collection Title: Eminent Women: Coloured Illustrations and Six Portraits and Pictures. 1900?
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Julia Kavanagh . Collection Title: Women of Christianity, Exemplary for Acts of Piety and Charity. 1852
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Rev. William McNeill . Collection Title: The Noble Women of the Staircase and Atrium Windows in the Lady Chapel of the Liverpool Cathedral. 1915
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Elmer Cleveland Adams , Warren Dunham Foster . Collection Title: Heroines of Modern Progress. 1913
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Rosa Nouchette Carey . Collection Title: Twelve Notable Good Women of the XIXth Century, with Twelve Portraits. 1899
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Elizabeth Rundle Charles . Collection Title: Sketches of the Women of Christendom By the Author of "Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family.". 1880
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Rev. Davis Wasgatt Clark . Collection Title: Portraits of Celebrated Women: With Brief Biographies. 1863
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Ellen Creathorne Clayton . Collection Title: Notable Women: Stories of Their Lives and Characters: A Book for Young Ladies. 1859
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Miss Jeanie Douglas Cochrane . Collection Title: Peerless Women: A Book for Girls. 1905
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Robert Cochrane . Collection Title: Lives of Good and Great Women. n.d.
- Elizabeth Fry Author: anon0008 . Collection Title: Collins's New Biographical Series,. 1909
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Louise Creighton . Collection Title: Some Famous Women. 1909
- Elizabeth Fry Author: William Dickes . Collection Title: Women of Worth: A Book for Girls. 1854
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Elsie Emilie Egermeier . Collection Title: Girl's Stories of Great Women. 1930
- Elizabeth Fry Author: anon0011 . Collection Title: Excellent Women. 1900
- Elizabeth Fry Author: E. H. Farrance . Collection Title: Twelve Wonderful Women: The Romance of Their Life and Work. 1936
- Elizabeth Fry Author: Millicent Garrett Fawcett . Collection Title: Some Eminent Women of Our Times: Short Biographical Sketches. 1889
- Elizabeth Fry. Author: William Makepeace Thayer . Collection Title: Women Who Win: Or Making Things Happen. 1896
- Elizabeth Fry, the Newgate School-Mistress Author: Sophia Goodrich Ashton . Collection Title: The Girlhood of Celebrated Women: Women of Worth and the Mothers of the Bible. 2 vols. In 1. 1876
- Elizabeth Fry, the Prison Reformer Author: George Frederick Pardon . Collection Title: Illustrious Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves for Virtue, Piety and Benevolence. 1861
- Elizabeth Gurney Author: Frank Harold Lee . Collection Title: The Children's Book of Heroines. 1940
- Elizabeth Gurney Fry Author: . Collection Title: Makers of Nursing History: Portraits and Pen Sketches of a Hundred and Nine Prominent Women. 1928
- Elizabeth Gurney Fry (1780-1845): The Woman Who Reformed Prisons Author: Mrs. Clyde Robertson . Collection Title: Fifty Famous Women. 1936
- Minor Hymn Writers Author: Mrs. Emma Raymond Pitman . Collection Title: Lady Hymn Writers. 1892
- Mrs. Elizabeth Fry Author: John Tillotson . Collection Title: Lives of Illustrious Women of England: Or, Biographical Treasury: Containing Memoirs of Royal, Noble, and Celebrated British Females of the Past and Present Day. 1850
- Mrs. Elizabeth Fry Author: Samuel Mossman . Collection Title: Gems of Womanhood; or, Sketches of Distinguished Women in Various Ages and Nations. 1870
- Mrs.Fry Author: William Henry Davenport Adams . Collection Title: Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women: A Series of Chapters from Female Biography. 1883
- Mrs. Fry Author: Charlotte M. Yonge . Collection Title: Biographies of Good Women: Chiefly by Contributors to ‘The Monthly Packet.’ Edited by the Author of The Heir of Redclyffe. 1862
- Mrs. Fry Author: William Russell . Collection Title: Extraordinary Women: Their Girlhood and Early Life. 1857
- Mrs. Fry Author: Joseph Johnson . Collection Title: Brave Women: Who Have Been Distinguished for Heroic Actions and Noble Virtues; Who Have Exhibited Fearless Courage; Stout Hearts; and Intrepid Resolve. 1860
- Mrs. Fry Author: . Collection Title: True and Noble Women. 1888
- Mrs. Fry Author: Thomas Timpson . Collection Title: British Female Biography: Being Select Memoirs of Pious Ladies in Various Ranks of Public and Private Life: Including Queens, Princesses, Martyrs, Scholars, Instructors, Poetesses, Philanthropists, Ministers' Wives. 1846
- Mrs. Fry Author: Rev. William King Tweedie . Collection Title: The Early Choice: A Book for Daughters. 1855
- Mrs. Fry Author: anon0016 . Collection Title: Fifty Famous Women and the Lessons of Their Lives: Illustrated with Numerous Wood Engravings. Fifty Famous Women, Their Virtues and Failings and the Lessons of Their Lives. 1850?
- The Angel of the Prisons: Elizabeth Fry Author: Grace Humphrey . Collection Title: The Story of the Elizabeths. 1924
- The Female Howard (Elizabeth Fry) Author: Professor S. W. Williams M.A.. Collection Title: Queenly Women, Crowned and Uncrowned. 1880s?
- Three Queries : Elizabeth Fry Author: Richard Symonds . Collection Title: Far Above Rubies: The Women Uncommemorated by the Church of England. 1993