Books / Collections ~ a037

The Girlhood of Celebrated Women: Women of Worth and the Mothers of the Bible. 2 vols. In 1.

  • girlhood
  • good character or deeds

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B23240Mary Washington, the Illustrious Maiden
2B23241Martha Washington, the True Wife
3B11037Charlotte Bronté
4B23242Elizabeth Fry, the Newgate School-Mistress
5B11038Sarah Martin
6B23243Margaret Mercer, the Worker of Charity
7B11039Sarah Boardman Judson
8B11040Lady Rachel Russell
9B23244Lucy Hutchinson, the Pattern of Domestic Virtue
10B11041Isabel the Catholic
11B11042Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe
12B11043Maria Theresa
13B23246Madame Oberlin, the Pastor's Helpmate
14B23247Ann Letitia Barbauld, the Children's Favorite
15B23248Rebecca Motte, the Devoted Patriot
16B23249Madame Necker, the Estimable Governess
17B11044Caroline L. Herschel, the Patient Astronomer
18B23250Hannah More, the Quiet Reformer
19B11045Ann Flaxman, the Sculptor's Assistant
20B23251Mrs. Wordsworth, the Poet's Companion
21B23253Harriet Newell, the Christian Heroine
22B23252Sarah Lanman Smith, the Missionary's Wife
23B11046Lady Warwick, the Laborer in the Vineyard
24B11047Lady Mackintosh, the Guardian Angel


  1. Sophia Goodrich Ashton · Author


  1. New York: World, 1876
  2. New York: World, 1877