Books / Collections ~ p131A

Far Above Rubies: The Women Uncommemorated by the Church of England.

  • reformers, social workers

WorldCat Record   |   Search Hathi Trust


1B19133Octavia Hill and the Slums
2B19134Pandita Mary Ramabai and the Widows
3B19135Eglantyne Jebb and the Children of War
4B19136Caroline Chisholm, the Immigrants' Friend
5B19137Christina Rossetti
6B19138Evelyn Underhill
7B19139Mother Harriet Monsell
8B19140Mother Cecile of Grahamstown
9B19141Sister Dora of Walsall
10B19142Mary Slessor of Calabar
11B19143Three Queries : Elizabeth Fry
12B19144Florence Nightingale
13B19145Catherine Booth
14B19146Some Other Worthies
15B19147Reflections and Conclusions
16B19148Appendix: The Church of England's Commemoration of Saints and Heroes of the Faith.


  1. Richard Symonds · Author


  1. Leominster, England: Gracewing, 1993
  2. Harrisonburg, USA: Morehouse, 1993