Search Persons
Results: 112
- Plutarch
- Gender: Male
- Life Dates: ca. 45-120 C.E.
- Types: Author or presenter; Classical Greek; Historian; Philosopher
- Artemisa
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek
- Camma
- Alternative Names: Camme
- Gender: Female
- Types: Assassin; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Heroine in war; Legendary; Royalty; Wife of notable man
- Monime
- Alternative Names: Monime; Monima; Monimia
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: c. 1st century B.C.E. - 72/71 B.C.E.
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Royalty; Wife of notable man
- Aretaphila
- Alternative Names: Aretaphila of Cyrene
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 50 BCE
- Types: Assassin; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Heroine of rescue; Patriot; Politician; Prisoner or captive; Reformer, political; Royalty; Ruler; Victim of injustice; Widow; Wife of notable man
- Erixo
- Alternative Names: Eryxo
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: 500 BCE
- Types: Assassin; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Heroine of rescue; Nationalist; Reformer, political; Representative of region; Royalty
- A Woman of the City Pergamus
- Alternative Names: a Pergamaean damosell; A Woman of the City of Pergamon; A Woman of the City of Pergamum; Woman of Pergamus
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 135 - 63 BCE
- Types: Anonymous individual; Classical Greek; Heroine of rescue; Lover or mistress of great man, middle or lower rank
- Stratonica
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 105 - 40 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Model of family life, motherhood; Royalty; Ruler; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Wife, Honorable and Dedicated; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Olympias
- Alternative Names: Mother of Alexander the Great; Myrtale; Polyxena; Stratonice
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 375 – 316 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Mother of notable man; Religious sect member, recent or current; Royalty; Sister of notable man; Wife of notable man
- Troades
- Alternative Names: the Trojan Women
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 1260 - 1180 BCE
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Expatriated, exiled person; Heroine in war; Legendary; Literary character; Representative of nationality; Representative of region; Victim of injustice; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- The Phocides
- Alternative Names: Phocian Women; Women of Phocis
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 400 - 300 BCE
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Heroine in war; Legendary; Patriot; Representative of region; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- The Women of Chios
- Alternative Names: Chians
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Expatriated, exiled person; Heroine in war; Legendary; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Persides
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 559 - 530 BCE
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Heroine in war; Legendary; Nationalist; Patriot; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Melitae
- Alternative Names: Caphene
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Heroine of rescue; Spy; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Tyrrhenae
- Alternative Names: Tyrrhenians
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 431 - 404
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Cross-dresser; Heroine of rescue; Prisoner or captive; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Polycrita
- Alternative Names: Polycrite
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 500 BCE
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Expatriated, exiled person; Heroine in war; Heroine of rescue; Legendary; Martyr; Mythical; Prisoner or captive; Spy; Victim of injustice; Wife of notable man; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Pasiphae
- Alternative Names: Daughter of Helios
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: mythical
- Types: Classical Greek; Legendary; Literary character; Mythical; Royalty; Ruler; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero)
- Canace
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: mythical
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Legendary; Martyr; Mother who has lost a child; Mythical; Royalty; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sister of notable man; Victim of injustice
- Canusia
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Legendary; Martyr; Mythical; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sister of notable man; Victim of injustice
- Crithaeis
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 700 - 600 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Legendary; Legendary; Literary character; Mother of notable man; Mythical; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero)
- An Egyptian Lady
- Alternative Names: Wife of King Pheron
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 1860 - 1810 BCE
- Types: African; Anonymous individual; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Heroine of rescue; Legendary; Medicine, doctor; Model of faith, piety; Mythical; Royalty; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated; Wife of notable man
- Olimpias
- Alternative Names: Olympias
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 375 - 316 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Mother of notable man; Mythical; Royalty; Ruler; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Wife of notable man
- Aristoclaea
- Alternative Names: Aristoclea
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Martyr; Victim of injustice
- Of Warlike Women, and Those of Masculine Virtue
- Gender: Female
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Biblical, Hebrew Bible; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Heroine in war; Heroine of rescue
- anon0115
- Alternative Names: BiogTitle: Faire Mistresse of Pisistratus
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Mistress of royalty
- Barsine
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 360 - 320 BCE
- Types: Asian, South; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Mistress of royalty; Prisoner or captive
- Callirhoe, daughter to Boetius
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Mythical; Victim of injustice
- Wife of Agetus the Lacedemonian
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 570 - 510 BCE
- Types: Anonymous individual; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Disabled
- Of Women Wantons
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 500 - 100 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Lover or mistress of great man, middle or lower rank; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Sex worker
- Phrine
- Alternative Names: Mnesarete; Phryne
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 371 - 310 BCE
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Self-made rich woman; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sex worker
- Glicerin
- Alternative Names: Glicera; Thespiensis
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Self-made rich woman; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sex worker
- Agathoclaea
- Alternative Names: Agathoclea
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 230 - 202 BCE
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Mistress of royalty; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sex worker; Sister of notable man
- Callipyge
- Alternative Names: Aphrodite Kallipygos; Callipygian Venus; Kallipugoi; She that hath faire buttocks; Venus Callipyge; Women with Beautiful Asses
- Gender: Female
- Types: Adventuress, self-promoting entrepreneur; Anonymous set; Beauty, celebrated; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Coquette; Legendary; Model of rural virtue; Mythical; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero)
- Of Divers Wantons Belonging to Sundry Famous Men
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 500 - 200
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Enslaved person, bondservant, former enslaved person; Entrepreneur; Lover or mistress of great man, middle or lower rank; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Mistress of aristocrat; Mistress of royalty; Performer, actress; Performer, dancer; Performer, other entertainment; Performer, singer; Scholar of literatures, classics; Self-made rich woman; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sex worker
- Of Famous Wantons
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: 5th-4th c. B.C.
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Lover or mistress of great man, middle or lower rank; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Sex worker
- Of Pious Daughters
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 500 BCE - 900 CE
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Anglo-Saxon; Athlete; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Daughter of notable man; Daughter of notable woman; English; Heroine of rescue; Legendary; Medieval; Model of faith, piety
- Of Matrimony or Conjugal Love
- Gender: Female
- Types: Asian, South; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Of Nuptial Ornaments
- Alternative Names: Of Contracts before marriage, and of Dowries, amongst whom they were allowed, and by whom forbidden
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Asian, South; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Pomp, Feasts, Epithalamions
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Asian, South; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Model of domesticity
- Descriptio Egredientis Sponsae
- Alternative Names: an epithalamion
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous individual; Beauty, celebrated; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Oblatio munerum, or the Offering
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek
- Ingressus in Cubiculum, Their Entrance into Their Bed-chamber
- Alternative Names: an epithalamion
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous set; Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Sacred Auguries and Nuptial Expiations
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous set; Classical Greek
- Of Women Beloved of Divers Creatures
- Alternative Names: Of Women Beloved of Diverse Creatures
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Legendary; Mythical
- Of Women Excellent in the Art of Painting, Weaving, etc
- Gender: Female
- Types: Artist, illustrator; Artist, painter; Artist, sculptor; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Legendary; Mythical
- Of Women Contentious and Bloody
- Gender: Female
- Types: Adventuress, self-promoting entrepreneur; African; Anglo-Saxon; Assassin; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Criminal, thief; Divorced or separated; English; Legendary; Murderess; Politician; Royalty; Ruler; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Society or High Rank
- Of Clamorous Women Commonly Called Scolds
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Speaker, Lecturer, Public Reader
- Variety of Discourse Concerning Women
- Gender: Female
- Types: Abbess; Adventure, physical feat or survival; Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Cross-dresser; Learning, sciences; Legendary; Literary character; Medieval; Mythical; Saint
- Intreating of Women every way learned
- Alternative Names: Entreating of Women every way learned; Hypatia; Learned Women
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 350 - 415 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Learning, sciences; Martyr; Victim of injustice
- Of Poetesses and Witches
- Gender: Female
- Types: Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Criminal, thief; Learning, sciences; Legendary; Lesbian; Medieval; Mythical; Scholar of literatures, classics; Sexual agency, transgression (homo); Witch; Writer, Poetry
- Of Women Orators That Have Pleaded Their Own Causes
- Alternative Names: Woman Orators
- Gender: Female
- Types: Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Legendary; Martyr; Model of faith, piety; Preacher; Speaker, Lecturer, Public Reader; Victim of injustice
- Of Women Excellent in Philosophy and Other Learning
- Gender: Female
- Types: Celebrity for other than performance; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Educator, professor; Jewish; Learning, sciences; Legendary; Philosopher; Writer, Nonfiction
- Poetriae, or Women Poets
- Alternative Names: Of Poetesses
- Gender: Female
- Types: Celebrity for other than performance; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Legendary; Lover or muse of writer or artist; Mythical; Patron of literature or art; Writer, Poetry
- Sappho
- Alternative Names: Sappho; Psappha; Psappho
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: c. 610 - 570 B.C.
- Types: Classical Greek; Sexual agency, transgression (homo); Writer, Poetry
- Of Witches
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Learning, sciences; Legendary; Medieval; Witch
- Cyrce
- Alternative Names: Circe
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Legendary; Literary character; Lover or mistress of great man, middle or lower rank; Mythical; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Witch
- Of Women Ravished
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Legendary; Literary character; Mythical; Survivor of rape
- Stepdames
- Alternative Names: Stepmothers
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Classical Roman; English; Mother of notable man; Mother of notable woman; Wife of notable man; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- The Sister of Leucippus
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous individual; Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Sister of notable man; Victim of injustice
- Of Adultery
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Divorced or separated; English; French; Legendary; Medieval; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Wife of notable man
- anon00241
- Alternative Names: BiogTitle: Of Mothers That Have Slain Their Children or Wives Their Husbands
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous set; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Legendary; Literary character; Mother of notable man; Mother of notable woman; Mother who has lost a child; Murderess; Mythical; Wife of notable man
- Of Loquacity and Excesse
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek
- Of Severall Degrees of Inchastities, and of Their Punishments
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Coquette; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Sex worker
- Of Witches and the Punishment Due to Them
- Gender: Female
- Types: Biblical, Hebrew Bible; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; English; French; Witch
- Reward Due to Philosophers, Orators, and Poets
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Anonymous set; Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Legendary; Philosopher; Writer, Poetry
- Arete
- Alternative Names: Arete of Cyrene
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: fl. 4th century B.C.E.
- Types: Classical Greek; Educator, teacher; Philosopher
- Aelia Eudocia
- Alternative Names: Athenais; Aelia Eudocia; Aelia Eudocia Augusta; Athenais, Wife of Emperor Theodosius
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 401 – 460
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Ruler; Wife of notable man; Writer, Poetry
- Charixena
- Alternative Names: Charixena; Charixena, A Learned Grecian Lady
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: not yet determined
- Types: Classical Greek; Writer, Poetry
- Cleobule
- Alternative Names: Cleobule; Cleobulina; Cleobulina; Cleobuline
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: not yet determined
- Types: Classical Greek; Writer, Poetry
- Damphila
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: not yet determined
- Types: Classical Greek
- Diotima of Mantinea
- Alternative Names: Diotima; Diotyma
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: not yet determined
- Types: Classical Greek; Philosopher; Prophet or visionary
- Eurydice II of Macedon
- Alternative Names: Adea; Eurydike; Eurydice, Wife of Aridaeus K. of Macedon; Eurydice Queen of Macedon
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: d. 317 BCE
- Types: Adventuress, self-promoting entrepreneur; Classical Greek; Military; Prisoner or captive; Royalty; Ruler
- Hipparchia of Maroneia
- Alternative Names: Hipparchia; Hipparchia, Wife of Crates the Philosopher
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: born c. 350 B.C.E.
- Types: Classical Greek; Philosopher; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero); Wife of notable man
- Hortentia
- Alternative Names: Hortentia; Hortentia, Daughter of Hortensius the Orator
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: not yet determined
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Speaker, Lecturer, Public Reader
- Mœroe
- Alternative Names: Moeroe; Mœroe; Mæroe; Mœroe, a Learned Woman Among the Ancients
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Writer, Poetry
- Phila
- Alternative Names: Phila; Philla; Philla
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: died 287 B.C.E.
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Politician
- Praxilla
- Alternative Names: Praxilla
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: fl. 5th century B.C.E.
- Types: Classical Greek; Writer, Poetry
- Corinna
- Alternative Names: Corinna; Korinna
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: fl. 6th century B.C.E.
- Types: Classical Greek; Writer, Poetry
- Hypatia
- Alternative Names: Hypatia
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 350–370 CE – March 415 CE
- Types: Classical Greek; Philosopher
- Aspasia
- Alternative Names: Aspasia
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 470 BCE –ca. 400 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Learning, sciences; Mistress of aristocrat
- Atalanta
- Gender: Female
- Types: Adventure, physical feat or survival; Athlete; Classical Greek; Legendary
- Mania
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 400 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Politician; Society or High Rank; Soldier; Victim of injustice; Widow; Wife of notable man
- Arsinoe
- Alternative Names: Arsinoe III Philopator
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: 246/5 - 205 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Politician; Royalty; Ruler; Soldier; Victim of injustice; Wife of notable man; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Alcestis
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: N/A
- Types: Classical Greek; Literary character; Mythical
- Antigone
- Alternative Names: Antigone
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: N/A
- Types: Classical Greek; Literary character; Mythical
- Iphigenia
- Alternative Names: Iphigenia
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Literary character; Mythical
- Laodameia
- Alternative Names: Laodamia
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek
- Helen of Troy
- Alternative Names: Helen of Sparta; Helen of Troy
- Gender: Female
- Types: Beauty, celebrated; Classical Greek; Composer; Legendary; Literary character
- anon00202
- Alternative Names: The Two Friends of Syracuse
- Gender: Male
- Types: Anonymous set; Classical Greek
- Alexander the Great
- Alternative Names: Alexander III, King of Macedon; Alexander III of Macedonia; Alexander III the Great; Alexander III of Macedon; Alexander of Macedonia; Alexander the Great
- Gender: Male
- Life Dates: 20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC
- Types: Classical Greek; Royalty; Ruler
- Sosipatra
- Alternative Names: Sosipatra of Ephesus; Sosipatra of Lydia
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 300 - 350 CE
- Types: Classical Greek
- Helvia
- Alternative Names: Mother of Cicero
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: 2nd cen. – 1st cen. BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Mother of notable man
- The Wife of Phocion, General of the Athenians
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Wife of notable man
- A Lacedemonian Lady
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous individual; Classical Greek
- Liona
- Alternative Names: Leona; Liona
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Martyr; Role in revolution
- anon00215
- Alternative Names: BiogTitle: Female Relatives or Friends of the Greek Fathers
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous set; Classical Greek
- Thetis
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Mythical
- Hecuba
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Mythical
- Leto
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Mythical
- Lycian Women
- Alternative Names: Xanthian Women
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Gender nonconforming; Legendary; Military; Patriot; Sexual agency, transgression (hetero)
- Women of Cios
- Alternative Names: Maids of Cios; Women of Ceos; Women of Keos
- Gender: Female
- Types: Anonymous group; Classical Greek; Legendary; Representative of region
- Micca
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 272 BCE
- Types: Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Legendary; Victim of injustice
- Megisto
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 272 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Heroine in war; Legendary; Model of family life, motherhood; Prisoner or captive; Role in revolution; Society or High Rank; Victim of injustice; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Pieria
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 520 BCE - ca. 460 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Legendary; Pacifist; Patriot; Wife of notable man; Wife with Great Influence on Husband
- Lampsace
- Alternative Names: Lampsake
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 654 BCE - ca. 580 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable man; Heroine in war; Legendary; Mythical; Royalty; Spy
- Timoclea
- Alternative Names: Timoclea of Thebes; Timocleia; Timocleia of Thebes
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 370 BCE - ca. 335 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Heroine in war; Legendary; Prisoner or captive; Sister of notable man; Survivor of rape
- Eryxo
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 580 BCE - ca. 530 BCE
- Types: Classical Greek; Daughter of notable woman; Dowager; Mother of notable man; Royalty; Ruler; Widow
- Xenocrita
- Alternative Names: Xenocrita of Cumae; Xenocrite
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 550 BCE - ca. 480 BCE
- Types: Assassin; Classical Greek; Legendary; Mistress of aristocrat; Prisoner or captive; Role in revolution
- Wife of Pythes
- Alternative Names: Wife of Pythius
- Gender: Female
- Life Dates: ca. 500 BCE - ca. 400 BCE
- Types: Anonymous individual; Classical Greek; Mother who has lost a child; Reformer, political; Ruler; Victim of injustice; Widow; Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
- Ops
- Alternative Names: Opis; Rhea
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Mythical
- Juno
- Alternative Names: Hera
- Gender: Female
- Types: Classical Greek; Classical Roman; Mythical
- Cypriana
- Gender: Female
- Types: Celibate, chaste or virginal; Classical Greek; Enslaved person, bondservant, former enslaved person