Emily Brontë

Collections Published per Year: (1939 highlighted)

1830 1830 - Publications: 01831 - Publications: 01832 - Publications: 01833 - Publications: 01834 - Publications: 01835 - Publications: 01836 - Publications: 01837 - Publications: 01838 - Publications: 01839 - Publications: 01840 - Publications: 01841 - Publications: 01842 - Publications: 01843 - Publications: 01844 - Publications: 01845 - Publications: 01846 - Publications: 01847 - Publications: 01848 - Publications: 01849 - Publications: 01850 - Publications: 01851 - Publications: 01852 - Publications: 01853 - Publications: 01854 - Publications: 01855 - Publications: 01856 - Publications: 01857 - Publications: 01858 - Publications: 01859 - Publications: 01860 - Publications: 01861 - Publications: 01862 - Publications: 01863 - Publications: 01864 - Publications: 01865 - Publications: 01866 - Publications: 01867 - Publications: 01868 - Publications: 01869 - Publications: 01870 - Publications: 01871 - Publications: 01872 - Publications: 01873 - Publications: 01874 - Publications: 01875 - Publications: 01876 - Publications: 01877 - Publications: 01878 - Publications: 01879 - Publications: 01880 - Publications: 21881 - Publications: 01882 - Publications: 01883 - Publications: 31884 - Publications: 01885 - Publications: 11886 - Publications: 11887 - Publications: 51888 - Publications: 11889 - Publications: 31890 - Publications: 21891 - Publications: 01892 - Publications: 01893 - Publications: 01894 - Publications: 31895 - Publications: 01896 - Publications: 01897 - Publications: 11898 - Publications: 01899 - Publications: 01900 - Publications: 51901 - Publications: 01902 - Publications: 01903 - Publications: 01904 - Publications: 01905 - Publications: 01906 - Publications: 01907 - Publications: 21908 - Publications: 01909 - Publications: 01910 - Publications: 11911 - Publications: 11912 - Publications: 31913 - Publications: 21914 - Publications: 31915 - Publications: 01916 - Publications: 01917 - Publications: 01918 - Publications: 11919 - Publications: 11920 - Publications: 01921 - Publications: 01922 - Publications: 11923 - Publications: 11924 - Publications: 01925 - Publications: 01926 - Publications: 01927 - Publications: 01928 - Publications: 01929 - Publications: 11930 - Publications: 01931 - Publications: 01932 - Publications: 01933 - Publications: 11934 - Publications: 21935 - Publications: 01936 - Publications: 01937 - Publications: 01938 - Publications: 01939 - Publications: 11940 - Publications: 01940 · After 1940 - Publications: 13 ~ Publications dated with odd notation: 3
  1. Collection: a044 · Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century.
    1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1923
  2. Collection: a195 · Pen-Portraits of Literary Women by Themselves and Others.
    1. New York: Cassell, 1887
    2. Boston: Educational Publishing, 1900
  3. Collection: a210 · Boys and Girls Who Became Famous.
    1. London: Harrap, 1929
    2. New York: Harcourt, n.d.
  4. Collection: a282 · Some Eminent Women of Our Times: Short Biographical Sketches.
    1. London: Macmillan, 1889
    2. London: Macmillan, 1894
    3. Edinburgh: Macmillan, 1889
    4. Edinburgh: Macmillan, 1894
    5. New York: Macmillan, 1889
    6. New York: Macmillan, 1894
  5. Collection: a471 · The Women Novelists.
    1. London: Collins, 1918
    2. London: Collins, 1922
    3. New York: Scribner, 1919
  6. Collection: a550 · Women Novelists from Fanny Burney to George Eliot.
    1. London: Nicholson & Watson, 1934
  7. Collection: a582 · Distinguished Women Writers.
    1. New York: Dutton, 1934
  8. Collection: a607 · Women Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign: A Book of Appreciations.
    1. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1897
    2. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Library, 1969
    3. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Library, 1974
    4. Norwood, PA: Norwood, 1977
  9. Collection: a624 · Daughters of Genius: A Series of Sketches of Authors, Artists, Reformers, and Heroines, Queens, Princesses, and Women of Society, Women Eccentric and Peculiar, from the Most Recent and Authentic Sources.
    1. Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1885
    2. Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1886
    3. Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1888
    4. New York: American, 1890
  10. Collection: a625 · Eminent Women: A Series of Sketches of Women Who Have Won Distinction by Their Genius and Achievements as Authors, Artists, Actors, Rulers, or within the Precincts of the Home.
    1. New York: Alden, 1880s? · [brackets]
    2. Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1880s? · [brackets]
    3. New York: Edgewood, 1880
    4. New York: Lovell, 1890
    5. New York: International, 1880
  11. Collection: a679 · English Poetesses: A Series of Critical Biographies, with Illustrative Extracts.
    1. London: Cassell, 1883
    2. London: Cassell, 1900
    3. Paris: Cassell, 1883
    4. Paris: Cassell, 1900
    5. New York: Cassell, 1883
    6. New York: Cassell, 1900
  12. Collection: a723 · The Three Brontës.
    1. London: Hutchinson, 1900
    2. London: Hutchinson, 1911
    3. London: Hutchinson, 1912
    4. London: Hutchinson, 1914
    5. London: Hutchinson, 1933
    6. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1912
    7. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913
    8. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914
    9. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1912
    10. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1913
    11. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1914
    12. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat, P, 1939
    13. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat, P, 1967
  13. Collection: a863 · Woman's Work in English Fiction from the Restoration to the Mid-Victorian Period.
    1. New York: Putnam's, 1910
  14. Collection: a887 · A Book of Noble Women.
    1. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1907
    2. London: Methuen, 1907
  15. Collection: a894 · Some Remarkable Women: A Book for Young Ladies.
    1. Cincinnati, OH: Cranston & Stowe, 1887
    2. Cincinnati, OH: Jennings & Pye, 1887
    3. New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1887
    4. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1887
  16. Collection: p007 · Herstory
    1. New York: Viking Penguin, 1995
  17. Collection: p034 · The 100 Greatest Women of All Time.
    1. Oxford, England: Past Times, 1997
    2. Oxford, England: Past Times, 2002
    3. Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1996
    4. Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1997
    5. London: Constable & Robinson, 1997
  18. Collection: p073 · Eminent Victorian Women.
    1. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981
    2. London: Papermac, 1981
    3. London: Papermac, 1982
    4. Stroud: Sutton, 2008
  19. Collection: p079 · O, These Extraordinary Women! or The Joys of Literary Lib.
    1. Philadelphia: Chilton Book, 1972
  20. Collection: p109 · 100 Women Who Shaped World History.
    1. San Francisco, CA: Bluewood, 1994
    2. Singapore: Topan, 1996