Anne Grant of Laggan

Collections Published per Year: (1883 highlighted)

Before 1830 - Publications: 3 · 1830 1830 - Publications: 01831 - Publications: 01832 - Publications: 01833 - Publications: 01834 - Publications: 01835 - Publications: 01836 - Publications: 01837 - Publications: 01838 - Publications: 01839 - Publications: 01840 - Publications: 01841 - Publications: 01842 - Publications: 01843 - Publications: 11844 - Publications: 01845 - Publications: 11846 - Publications: 01847 - Publications: 01848 - Publications: 41849 - Publications: 31850 - Publications: 01851 - Publications: 01852 - Publications: 01853 - Publications: 21854 - Publications: 21855 - Publications: 01856 - Publications: 11857 - Publications: 01858 - Publications: 11859 - Publications: 11860 - Publications: 01861 - Publications: 01862 - Publications: 31863 - Publications: 11864 - Publications: 11865 - Publications: 41866 - Publications: 01867 - Publications: 01868 - Publications: 01869 - Publications: 31870 - Publications: 11871 - Publications: 11872 - Publications: 01873 - Publications: 01874 - Publications: 21875 - Publications: 51876 - Publications: 01877 - Publications: 01878 - Publications: 51879 - Publications: 21880 - Publications: 11881 - Publications: 01882 - Publications: 01883 - Publications: 21884 - Publications: 01885 - Publications: 01886 - Publications: 01887 - Publications: 21888 - Publications: 01889 - Publications: 11890 - Publications: 11891 - Publications: 21892 - Publications: 11893 - Publications: 11894 - Publications: 01895 - Publications: 01896 - Publications: 01897 - Publications: 01898 - Publications: 01899 - Publications: 01900 - Publications: 01901 - Publications: 01902 - Publications: 01903 - Publications: 01904 - Publications: 01905 - Publications: 01906 - Publications: 01907 - Publications: 01908 - Publications: 21909 - Publications: 01910 - Publications: 01911 - Publications: 01912 - Publications: 01913 - Publications: 01914 - Publications: 01915 - Publications: 01916 - Publications: 01917 - Publications: 01918 - Publications: 01919 - Publications: 01920 - Publications: 01921 - Publications: 01922 - Publications: 01923 - Publications: 01924 - Publications: 01925 - Publications: 01926 - Publications: 01927 - Publications: 01928 - Publications: 01929 - Publications: 01930 - Publications: 01931 - Publications: 01932 - Publications: 01933 - Publications: 01934 - Publications: 01935 - Publications: 01936 - Publications: 01937 - Publications: 01938 - Publications: 01939 - Publications: 01940 - Publications: 01940 ~ Publications dated with odd notation: 3
  1. Collection: a032 · Model Women.
    1. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1870
  2. Collection: a076 · The British Female Poets: With Biographical and Critical Notices.
    1. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1848
    2. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1849
    3. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1853
    4. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1854
    5. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1858
    6. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1865
    7. New York: Butler, 1849
    8. New York: Allen, 1869
    9. New York: Hurst, 1848
    10. New York: Hurst, 1860-69? · [brackets]
    11. New York: World, 1875
    12. New York: Crowell, 1848
  3. Collection: a111 · Above Rubies; or, Memoirs/Memorials of Christian Gentlewomen.
    1. London: Nelson, 1865
    2. London: Nelson, 1871
    3. London: Nelson, 1869
    4. London: Nelson, 1878
    5. London: Nelson, 1879
    6. London: Nelson, 1887
    7. New York: Nelson, 1869
    8. New York: Nelson, 1878
    9. New York: Nelson, 1879
    10. New York: Nelson, 1887
    11. Nashville: A. H. Redford, for the M. E. Church, 1874
    12. Nashville: A. H. Redford, for the M. E. Church, 1875
    13. Nashville: A. H. Redford, for the M. E. Church, 1890
    14. Nashville: Southern Methodist, 1880
    15. Nashville: Southern Methodist, 1883
    16. London: Book Society, 1871-73
    17. London: Book Society, 1889
  4. Collection: a125 · The Book of Noble Englishwomen: Lives Made Illustrious by Heroism, Goodness, and Great Attainments.
    1. London: Nimmo, 1875
    2. London: Nimmo, 1878
    3. London: Nimmo, 1891
    4. Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1875
    5. Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1878
    6. Edinburgh: Nimmo, 1891
    7. New York: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, 1878
  5. Collection: a264 · Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England, from the Commencement of the Last Century.
    1. London: Colburn, 1843
    2. Philadelphia: Zieber, 1845
  6. Collection: a338 · A Group of Scottish Women. With Sixteen Illustrations.
    1. London: Methuen, 1908
    2. New York: Duffield, 1908
  7. Collection: a466 · Clever Girls of Our Time and How They Became Famous Women; Whose Lives Furnish an Incentive and Encouragement to Effort and Endurance, and Whose Example Stimulates to Industry and Perseverance.
    1. London: Darton & Hodge, 1862
    2. London: Darton & Hodge, 1863
    3. London: Darton & Hodge, 1864
    4. London: Darton & Hodge, 1865
    5. London: Gal & Inglis, 1862
    6. London: Gal & Inglis, 1875
    7. London: Gal & Inglis, 1880-90? · [brackets]
  8. Collection: a505 · Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers, of All Ages and Countries.
    1. Philadelphia: Grigg, 1827
    2. Philadelphia: Desilver, 1827
    3. Philadelphia: Towar & Hogan, 1827
  9. Collection: a688 · The Female Poets of Great Britain, Chronologically Arranged: With Copious Selections and Critical Remarks.
    1. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848
    2. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart, 1849
    3. Philadelphia: Baird, 1853
    4. Philadelphia: Baird, 1854
    5. Philadelphia: Baird, 1856
    6. Philadelphia: n.p., 1859
    7. Philadelphia: n.p., 1874
    8. Dayton, OH: Alvin Peabody, 1883
  10. Collection: a924 · Biographies of Good Women: Chiefly by Contributors to ‘The Monthly Packet.’ Edited by the Author of The Heir of Redclyffe.
    1. London: Mozley, 1862
    2. London: Mozley, 1865
    3. London: Innes, 1892
    4. London: A. D. Innes, 1893
  11. Collection: c047 · The Heavenly Sisters; or, Biographical Sketches of the Lives of Thirty Eminently Pious Females, Partly Extracted from the Works of Gibbon, Germont, and Others, and Partly Original: Designed for the Use of Females in General, and Particularly Recommended for the Use of Ladies' Schools. To which is Added, a Memoir of Mrs. Abigail, Wife of the Late President Adams, and a Sketch of the Active Life of Mrs. Sarah Hoffman.
    1. New Haven, CT: N. Whiting, 1822
  12. Collection: c048 · Specimens of British poetesses; selected and chronologically arranged.
    1. London: T. Rodd, 1825
  13. Collection: c051 · Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers, of All Ages and Countries.
    1. Philadelphia: J. Grigg, 1827