Mary Wollstonecraft

Collections Published per Year: (after 1940 highlighted)

Before 1830 - Publications: 4 · 1830 1830 - Publications: 01831 - Publications: 01832 - Publications: 01833 - Publications: 01834 - Publications: 01835 - Publications: 01836 - Publications: 01837 - Publications: 01838 - Publications: 01839 - Publications: 01840 - Publications: 01841 - Publications: 01842 - Publications: 01843 - Publications: 11844 - Publications: 01845 - Publications: 11846 - Publications: 01847 - Publications: 01848 - Publications: 01849 - Publications: 01850 - Publications: 01851 - Publications: 01852 - Publications: 01853 - Publications: 01854 - Publications: 01855 - Publications: 01856 - Publications: 01857 - Publications: 01858 - Publications: 01859 - Publications: 01860 - Publications: 01861 - Publications: 01862 - Publications: 01863 - Publications: 01864 - Publications: 01865 - Publications: 01866 - Publications: 01867 - Publications: 01868 - Publications: 01869 - Publications: 01870 - Publications: 01871 - Publications: 01872 - Publications: 01873 - Publications: 01874 - Publications: 01875 - Publications: 01876 - Publications: 11877 - Publications: 01878 - Publications: 01879 - Publications: 01880 - Publications: 01881 - Publications: 01882 - Publications: 01883 - Publications: 01884 - Publications: 01885 - Publications: 01886 - Publications: 01887 - Publications: 11888 - Publications: 01889 - Publications: 01890 - Publications: 01891 - Publications: 01892 - Publications: 01893 - Publications: 01894 - Publications: 01895 - Publications: 01896 - Publications: 01897 - Publications: 01898 - Publications: 01899 - Publications: 01900 - Publications: 11901 - Publications: 01902 - Publications: 01903 - Publications: 01904 - Publications: 01905 - Publications: 01906 - Publications: 01907 - Publications: 01908 - Publications: 01909 - Publications: 21910 - Publications: 01911 - Publications: 01912 - Publications: 01913 - Publications: 01914 - Publications: 01915 - Publications: 01916 - Publications: 01917 - Publications: 01918 - Publications: 01919 - Publications: 21920 - Publications: 01921 - Publications: 01922 - Publications: 01923 - Publications: 01924 - Publications: 01925 - Publications: 01926 - Publications: 01927 - Publications: 01928 - Publications: 01929 - Publications: 01930 - Publications: 01931 - Publications: 01932 - Publications: 01933 - Publications: 01934 - Publications: 01935 - Publications: 01936 - Publications: 01937 - Publications: 01938 - Publications: 01939 - Publications: 01940 - Publications: 01940 · After 1940 - Publications: 9
  1. Collection: a195 · Pen-Portraits of Literary Women by Themselves and Others.
    1. New York: Cassell, 1887
    2. Boston: Educational Publishing, 1900
  2. Collection: a264 · Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England, from the Commencement of the Last Century.
    1. London: Colburn, 1843
    2. Philadelphia: Zieber, 1845
  3. Collection: a505 · Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers, of All Ages and Countries.
    1. Philadelphia: Grigg, 1827
    2. Philadelphia: Desilver, 1827
    3. Philadelphia: Towar & Hogan, 1827
  4. Collection: a824 · Heroines of Freethought.
    1. New York: Somerby, 1876
  5. Collection: a921 · Some Women, Loving or Luckless.
    1. London: Lane, 1909
    2. London: Lane, 1919
    3. New York: Lane, 1909
    4. New York: Lane, 1919
  6. Collection: c030 · Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Characters, Ancient and Modern. Including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune-Tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers and Vagrants: Also Many Others who Have Distinguished Themselves by Their Chastity, Dissipation, Intrepidity, Learning, Abstinence, Credulity, &c., &c.: Alphabetically Arranged: Forming a Pleasing Mirror of Reflection to the Female Mind. Ornamented with Portraits of the Most Singular Characters in the Work.
    1. Worcester, MA: Printed by Isaiah Thomas, 1804 · [brackets]
    2. Worcester: I. Thomas, for Homans, Boston, 1805
    3. London: Printed by J. Cundee, sold by T. Hurst, 1803
  7. Collection: c051 · Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers, of All Ages and Countries.
    1. Philadelphia: J. Grigg, 1827
  8. Collection: p002 · Women in Romanticism: Mary Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth and Mary Shelley.
    1. London: Macmillan, 1989
    2. Savage, MD: Barnes and Noble Books, 1989
    3. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1995
  9. Collection: p007 · Herstory
    1. New York: Viking Penguin, 1995
  10. Collection: p034 · The 100 Greatest Women of All Time.
    1. Oxford, England: Past Times, 1997
    2. Oxford, England: Past Times, 2002
    3. Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1996
    4. Sydney: Sydney Book Co, 1997
    5. London: Constable & Robinson, 1997
  11. Collection: p045A · No Place for a Lady: Tales of Adventurous Women Travelers.
    1. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2002
  12. Collection: p079 · O, These Extraordinary Women! or The Joys of Literary Lib.
    1. Philadelphia: Chilton Book, 1972
  13. Collection: p109 · 100 Women Who Shaped World History.
    1. San Francisco, CA: Bluewood, 1994
    2. Singapore: Topan, 1996
  14. Collection: p117 · Inventing Herself: Claiming a Feminist Intellectual Heritage.
    1. New York: Scribner, 2000
    2. London: Picador, 2000
    3. London: Picador, 2001
    4. London: Picador, 2002