Women / Persons ~ P16751
Countess A. von Bothmer
Alternate Names:
- M. Bothmer
- Mary Bothmer
- Marie Countess A. von Bothmer
- M. von Bothmer
- Mary Young
Gender: Female
Life Dates: 1842 - 1921
- Author or presenter
- Countess
- Editor or publisher
- Society or High Rank
Note: Full legal name: Countess Mary von Bothmer (nee Young). This woman was the daughter of London merchant John Young, and the wife of Major Count Hippolite von Bothmer, a German diplomat and one-time consul at Marseilles. She was also an epistolary correspondent of the British author Anthony Trollope. Not to be confused with Countess Marie von Bothmer (nee von Fehleisen), the Russian wife of the German Count Maximilian Apollonius Julius Heinrich von Bothmer, as the two women were almost direct contemporaries. Editions of Anthony Trollope's correspondence has previously erroneously assigned the legal name, birth and death dates of the Russo-German Countess Marie von Bothmer to the English Countess Mary von Bothmer, while listing the literary works and correspondence of the English Mary von Bothmer. Some of this confusion arises from the fact that, during her time in France, she may have published work under the French version of her first name, Marie, thereby making her name identical to the Russo-German Countess Marie von Bothmer.