Christina Rossetti
Collections Published per Year
- Collection: a034 · Maids of Honour: Twelve Descriptive Sketches of Single Women Who Have Distinguished Themselves in Philanthropy, Nursing, Poetry, Travel, Science, Prose. With Portraits.
- London: Blackwood, 1906
- Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1906
- Collection: a044 · Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century.
- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1923
- Collection: a425 · Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2: Famous Women.
- New York and London: Putnam's, 1897
- New York: Putnam's, 1894-97
- East Aurora, NY: Roycrofter's, 1898
- East Aurora, NY: Roycrofter's, 1901
- East Aurora, NY: Roycrofter's, 1908
- New York: Wise, 1894-97
- New York: Wise, 1898
- New York: Wise, 1901
- New York: Wise, 1908
- New York: Wise, 1911
- New York: Wise, 1916
- New York: Wise, 1923
- E. Aurora: Roycrofters, 1911
- E. Aurora: Roycrofters, 1916
- E. Aurora: Roycrofters, 1923
- New York: Wise, 1923-28
- Cleveland: World, 1928
- Collection: a558A · The Noble Women of the Staircase and Atrium Windows in the Lady Chapel of the Liverpool Cathedral.
- Liverpool: Daily Post, 1915
- Collection: a582 · Distinguished Women Writers.
- New York: Dutton, 1934
- Collection: a646 · Lady Hymn Writers
- London: Nelson, 1892
- New York: Nelson, 1892
- Collection: a679 · English Poetesses: A Series of Critical Biographies, with Illustrative Extracts.
- London: Cassell, 1883
- London: Cassell, 1900
- Paris: Cassell, 1883
- Paris: Cassell, 1900
- New York: Cassell, 1883
- New York: Cassell, 1900
- Collection: p131A · Far Above Rubies: The Women Uncommemorated by the Church of England.
- Leominster, England: Gracewing, 1993
- Harrisonburg, USA: Morehouse, 1993