Biographical Elements and Structure Schema (BESS) is an XML stand-aside schema that tags at the level of the paragraph. A
team of editors creates separate XML files resembling abstracts of these short
narratives (3-120 paragraphs). This allows us to compare versions of the same
life across decades, and diverse lives in the same collection or the same social
categories, and will build a kind of morphology of biography comparable to the
structural narratology of Propp and others who studied the "functions"
of the folktale. The elements of BESS:
StageOfLife (which parts of the text narrate events in different phases of the persona's life?);
Events (with AgentTypes, Locations, dates, etc.);
Discourse (which includes narrative technique, figures of speech, quotation of other texts, etc.);
Persona Description (how are these exemplary or "bad" women
characterized in versions at different historical periods?); and
(this is an element for identifying scenarios or typical structures such as
"influence" or "recognition" that underlie the overt
Editors choose from a controlled vocabulary of types of these