Books / Collections ~ a842

These Splendid Sisters.

  • sectarian (religious group)

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B20994St. Bridget: Pioneer Feminine Educator
2B20995St. Hilda: Abbess of Streoneshalh (Whitby)
3B20996St. Scholastica, and Her Benedictine Nuns
4B20997St. Clare: Founder of the Franciscan Nuns
5B20998Mother Marie de L'Incarnation: One of the Founders of Canada
6B20999The Work of Mother Marie
7B21000Mother Seton: Founder of the American Sisters of Charity
8B21001The Irish Sisters of Charity and Mercy: Reformers of Hospitals (Mother Mary Aikenhead)
9B21002Sisters in the Crimean War: Angels of Hospital and Field
10B21003Mother Angela, and the Sisters of the Civil War
11B21004The Nuns of the Battlefield
12B21005Mother Cabrini: An Apostle of the Italians
13B21006Mother Mary, Of the Sick Poor
14B21007Mother Alphonsa Lathrop: "Rose of all the Hawthornes"
15B21008Twenty-Five Years among New York’s Cancerous Poor


  1. James Joseph Walsh · Author


  1. New York: Sears, 1926
  2. New York: Sears, 1927