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Medical Women of America: A Short History of the Pioneer Medical Women of America and of a Few of Their Colleagues in England

  • nurses
  • occupational medical

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B14607Chapter I: Early Midwives in the Colonies. - The Hunt Sisters in Boston. - Medical Education Before 1850
2B14608Chapter II: New York and London. - Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D., Geneva, New York, 1849. - Emily Blackwell, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio. 1854. - Elizabeth Garrett, Diploma of the Society of Apothecaries, London, 1865; M.D. Paris, 1870
3B14609Chapter III: Philadelphia. - Ann Preston, M.D., 1852. - Her Diploma from The Female Medical College of Philadelphia. - The First Medical College in the World for Women
4B14610Chapter IV: Boston. - The Work of Marie Zakrzewska, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio, 1856. - The New England Hospital for Women and Children, 1862
5B14611Chapter V: England and Scotland. - The Work of Sophia Jex Blake, M.D., Berne, Switzerland, 1877
6B14612Chapter VI: Paris and New York. - Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D. - Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1864; Paris, 1871. - Other Medical Schools for Women in America. - Hospitals Founded by and for Medical Women in America. - Women as Medical Students
7B14613Chapter VII: Eclectic, Thomsonian, and Homeopathic Medical Schools. - The Schools at Rochester, New York, and Cleveland, Ohio. - Lydia Folger Fowler, M.D., 1850. - Sarah Adamson Dolley, M.D., 1851. - Rachel Brooks Gleason, M.D., 1851
8B14614Chapter VIII: The "Regular" Medical School of Cleveland, Ohio. - The First Co-educational Medical School in the United States. - Nancy Talbot Clark, of Boston, the First Graduate, 1852. - Cordelia A. Green, M.D., 1856
9B14615Chapter IX: The University of Michigan Medical School. - Amanda Sanford, M.D., 1869. - Emma L. Call, M.D., 1873. - Sarah A. Gertrude Banks, M.D., 1873. - Eliza M. Mosher, M.D., 1875
10B14616Chapter X: The Progress of Medical Women in Professional Work, a Comparison of 1850 and 1930
11B14617Chapter XI: Admission of Medical Women to Hospital Positions, 1848-1883
12B14618Chapter XII: Medical Women as Teachers, Investigators, and Lecturers in Medical Schools
13B14619Chapter XIII: Women Admitted to Medical Societies Organized by Men
14B14620Chapter XIV: Women Doctors in Preventive Medicine, Cancer Research, Laboratories. - Dr. Maude E.S. Abbott, Director of the McGill University Medical Museum
15B14621Chapter XV: Women as Surgeons. - Emmeline Horton Cleveland, M.D., 1855, First Woman Ovariotomist in America
16B14622Chapter XVI: Medical Women in the Army and Navy. - Mary E. Walker, M.D., Syracuse University, 1855. - Anita Newcomb McGee, M.D., George Washington University, 1892, and Others
17B14623Chapter XVII: Medical Women in Medico-Social Work at Home and in Foreign Missions. - Clara Swain, the First Medical Missionary, 1869
18B14624Chapter XVIII: The American Women's Hospitals. - A Committee of the Medical Women's National Association
19B14625Chapter XIX: Medical Women as Writers of Scientific or Popular Books, or Articles for Journals
20B14626Chapter XX: Statistics as to the Personnel of the Medical Women's National Association as Gathered from a Questionnaire Sent to Its Members in 1931
21B14627Chapter XXI: Conclusions and Summary


  1. Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead · Author
  2. Dr. Elizabeth Burr Thelberg · Author


  1. New York: Froben, 1933