Books / Collections ~ a369

Fair Women at Fontainebleau.

  • French
  • mistresses, courtesans
  • queens and royalty, Europe

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B13884Introduction: Visions of Fair Women
2B13885Women of the Middle Ages
3B13886the Duchesse d'Etampes Queen of Fetes
4B13887Diane de Poitiers, the Nymph of Fontainebleau
5B13888Catherine de Medicia. Mother of Three Kings
6B13889Gabrielle d'Estrees, Almost a Queen
7B13890Marie de Medicis and Henriette d'Entragues, a Queen and Her Rival
8B13891Anne of Austria, a Queen-Mother
9B13892Christina of Sweden, the Sybil of the North
10B13893Marie, Henriette, and Louise, a Trio of Fair Women
11B13894Mme de Montespan and Mme de Maintenon, Passion and Piety
12B13895The Demoiselles de Nesle and Mme de Pompadour, Four Sisters and a Siren
13B13896Mme du Barry and Marie-Antoinette, the Shame and the Pride of the Palace
14B13897Empress Josephine, a Repudiated Wife
15B13898Helena of Mecklenburg, the Bride of Fontainebleau


  1. Frank Hamel · Author


  1. London: Nash, 1909
  2. New York: Brentano, 1909
  3. London: Bell, 1909