Books / Collections ~ a194

Women of ‘Ninety-Eight

  • Irish
  • national, one era
  • patriots, war effort
  • Wives of Great Men

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B12250The Mothers of 'Ninety-Eight
2B12251The Mother of the Emmets
3B12252The Mother of Lord Edward Fitzgerald
4B12253The Mother of the Sheareses
5B12254The Mother of the Teelings
6B12256The Wives of 'Ninety-Eight: The Wife of Theobold Wolfe Tone
7B12257The Wife of Thomas Addis Emmet
8B12258The Wife of Samuel Neilson
9B12259The Wife of Lord Edward Fitzgerald
10B12260The Sister of Henry Joy McCracken
11B12261Some Other Sisters of 'Ninety-Eight: Mary Anne Emmett, Mary Tone, Lady Lucy Fitzgerald, Julia Sheares, Miss Byrne, Miss Teeling, Miss Hazlett
12B12262Mary Anne Emmet
13B12263Mary Tone
14B12264Lady Lucy Fitzgerald
15B12265Julia Sheares
16B12266Miss Byrne, Miss Teeling, Miss Hazlett
17B12269Sarah Curran and Anne Devlin
18B12270Some Other Romances of 'Ninety-Eight
19B12271Some Heroines of 'Ninety-Eight


  1. Helena Concannon · Author


  1. Dublin: Gill, 1919
  2. Dublin: Gill, 1920
  3. Dublin: Gill, 1930
  4. St. Louis: Herder, 1919
  5. St. Louis: Herder, 1920
  6. St. Louis: Herder, 1930