Books / Collections ~ a189

Heroines of Methodism; or, Pen and Ink Sketches of the Mothers and Daughters of the Church.

  • religious models, not saints
  • sectarian (religious group)

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B12096Mrs. Addoms
2B12097Anna, the pious old lady
3B12098Mrs. Asbury
4B12099Mrs. Ball
5B12100Mrs. Bennett
6B12101Mrs. Bigbie
7B12102Mrs. Bradburn
8B12103Mrs. Brice
9B12104Mrs. Budgett
10B12105Mrs. Burton
11B12106Miss Bushell
12B12107Mrs. S. Byrom
13B12108Mrs. Cairns
14B12109Mrs. Cargill
15B12110Lady Cayley
16B12111Mrs. Chatfield
17B12112Mrs. Clarke
18B12113Mrs. Correy
19B12114Mrs. Corlett
20B12115Mrs. Cousins
21B12116Mrs. Crocker
22B12117Mrs. Crosby
23B12118Mrs. Cross
24B12119Ann Cutler
25B12120Mrs. Curtiss
26B12121Mrs. Davis
27B12122Mrs. Dermott
28B12123Mrs. Dickinson
29B12124Mrs. Dodson
30B12125Mrs. Dorsey
31B12126Mrs. Drew
32B12127Miss Drew
33B12128Mrs. Falley
34B12129Girl Feejeean
35B12130Mrs. Fisk
36B12131Triumphant Death of a Mother and Four Daughters
37B12135Mrs. Fletcher
38B12136Mrs. Galt
39B12137Mrs. Garrettson
40B12138Mrs. Gearheart
41B12139Mrs. Geden
42B12140Mrs. Gilbert
43B12141Mrs. Grice
44B12142Mrs. Guest
45B12143Mrs. Hall
46B12144Mrs. Halsted
47B12145Mrs. hardy
48B12146Mrs. Harper
49B12147Mrs. Harrison
50B12148Mrs. Harvard
51B12149Mrs. Hayter
52B12150Mrs. Hedding
53B12151Mrs. Heney
54B12152Aunt Hester
55B12153Mrs. Hick
56B12154Mrs. Hickson
57B12155Mrs. Hinde
58B12156Mrs. Hodgson
59B12157Mrs. Holder
60B12158Hrs. Hoole
61B12159Mrs. Horton
62B12160Mrs. Hudson
63B12161Miss Hurrell
64B12163Mrs. Ivons
65B12164Mrs. Janion
66B12165Mrs. Johnson
67B12166Mrs. Jones
68B12167Mrs. Kairns
69B12168Mrs. Kent
70B12169Mrs. L
71B12170Mrs. Law
72B12171Sarah Lawrence
73B12172Miss Mallet
74B12173Mrs. Martindale
75B12174Old Aunt Mary
76B12175Miss Maw
77B12176Lady Maxwell
78B12177Mrs. Meredith
79B12178The Missionary’s Wife
80B12179Mrs. Moore of Cumberland, MD
81B12180Mrs. Moore of Southold
82B12181Mrs. Moore, wife of Missionary
83B12182Mrs. Moore, Wife of Rev. Henry
84B12183Mrs. Mortimer
85B12184Mrs. Myles
86B12185Mrs. Nixon
87B12186Miss Parker
88B12187Daughters of Sir Gillis
89B12188Mrs. Peckett
90B12189Mrs. Pottinger
91B12190Praying Women of Georgia
92B12191Mrs. Prior
93B12192Mrs. Pugh
94B12193Mrs. Raper
95B12194Mrs. Reckhou
96B12195Mrs. Reece
97B12196Mrs. Rice
98B12197Miss Lucy Richards
99B12198Mrs. Richardson
100B12199Mrs. Ridgley
101B12200Mrs. Robinson
102B12201Mrs. Roszel
103B12202Mrs. Rachel Rowe
104B12204Mrs. Sands
105B12205Mrs. Nancy Seibert
106B12162The Infidel’s Daughter
107B12206Mrs. Semmens
108B12207Mrs. Shipman
109B12208Mrs. Smith
110B12209Mrs. Somerhill
111B12210Mrs. Staats of New Jersey
112B12211Mrs. Stevens of Kingswood
113B12212Mrs. Sutch
114B12213Mrs. Suter
115B12214Mother Suma
116B12215Mrs. Swope
117B12216Mrs. Thurston
118B12218Mrs. Trethewey
119B12219The Wealthy Convert
120B12220Mrs. Wells
121B12221Mrs. Wesley, mother of Revs. John and Charles
122B12222Mrs. Wesley, wife of Rev. Charles
123B12223Mrs. Wicks
124B12224Mrs. Sarah Wilton
125B12225Mrs. Wiltshaw
126B12226Preaching Women. Portraits: Mrs. Mary Fletcher
127B12227Mrs. Mortimer


  1. George Coles · Author


  1. New York: Carlton & Porter, 1857
  2. New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1883
  3. New York: Walden & Stowe, 1883
  4. Cincinnati, OH: Phillips & Hunt, 1883
  5. Cincinnati, OH: Walden & Stowe, 1883