Books / Collections ~ a065

Pictures of the Old French Court; Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Bavière, Anne de Bretagne.

  • French
  • national, one era
  • queens and royalty, Europe

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B28429Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter I: 1332-1356
2B28430Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter II: 1356-1358
3B28431Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter III: 1358-1361
4B28432Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter IV: 1364-1367
5B28433Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter V: 1368-1373
6B28434Reign of Charles V. and Jeanne de Bourbon: Chapter VI: 1373-1380
7B28435Reign of Charles VI. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter I: 1375-1385
8B28436Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter II: 1385-1389
9B28437Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter III: 1389-1392
10B28438Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter IV: 1392-1398
11B28439Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter V: 1398-1400
12B28440Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter VI: 1400-1409
13B28441Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter VII: 1407-1412
14B28442Reign of Charles V. and Isabeau de Bavière: Chapter VIII: 1413-1435
15B28443Marie d'Anjou, Wife of Charles VII. Charlotte de Savoie, Wife of Louis XI. 1413
16B28444Reign of Anne de Bretagne, Wife of Charles VIII. and Louis XII.: Chapter I: 1476-1491
17B28445Reign of Anne de Bretagne, Wife of Charles VIII. and Louis XII.: Chapter II: 1491-1498
18B28446Reign of Anne de Bretagne, Wife of Charles VIII. and Louis XII.: Chapter III: 1498-1501
19B28447Reign of Anne de Bretagne, Wife of Charles VIII. and Louis XII.: Chapter IV: 1501-1506
20B28448Reign of Anne de Bretagne, Wife of Charles VIII. and Louis XII.: Chapter V: 1503-1514


  1. Edward H. Bearne · Illustrator
  2. Catherine Mary Charlton Bearne · Author


  1. London: Unwin, 1900
  2. New York: Dutton, 1900