Women / Persons ~ P23765

Mrs. Catherine A. Delany

Alternate Names:
  • Catherine A. Richards
Gender: Female
Life Dates: 1822 - 1894
  • American, African
  • Daughter of notable man
  • Irish
  • Model of domesticity
  • Model of family life, motherhood
  • Mother who has lost a child
  • Person of Mixed Race or Ethnicity
  • Wife, Honorable and Dedicated
  • Wife of notable man
Note: Born into a wealthy and notable family in Pittsburgh. Husband, Dr. Martin R. Delany, was a noted and awarded doctor and the first black man to be given the title of Major in the US army. External information is readily available about Dr. Delany but there is relatively little about Mrs. Delany.
persons with degrees of separation from Mrs. Catherine A. Delany