Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra

Collections Published per Year: (1879 highlighted)

Before 1830 - Publications: 4 · 1830 1830 - Publications: 01831 - Publications: 11832 - Publications: 11833 - Publications: 11834 - Publications: 21835 - Publications: 01836 - Publications: 11837 - Publications: 21838 - Publications: 01839 - Publications: 11840 - Publications: 21841 - Publications: 01842 - Publications: 11843 - Publications: 01844 - Publications: 11845 - Publications: 11846 - Publications: 01847 - Publications: 11848 - Publications: 11849 - Publications: 01850 - Publications: 01851 - Publications: 01852 - Publications: 11853 - Publications: 01854 - Publications: 51855 - Publications: 11856 - Publications: 11857 - Publications: 01858 - Publications: 31859 - Publications: 21860 - Publications: 11861 - Publications: 11862 - Publications: 11863 - Publications: 01864 - Publications: 01865 - Publications: 01866 - Publications: 11867 - Publications: 01868 - Publications: 11869 - Publications: 11870 - Publications: 51871 - Publications: 11872 - Publications: 01873 - Publications: 01874 - Publications: 01875 - Publications: 01876 - Publications: 01877 - Publications: 21878 - Publications: 01879 - Publications: 11880 - Publications: 11881 - Publications: 01882 - Publications: 01883 - Publications: 01884 - Publications: 01885 - Publications: 01886 - Publications: 01887 - Publications: 21888 - Publications: 01889 - Publications: 01890 - Publications: 11891 - Publications: 11892 - Publications: 11893 - Publications: 01894 - Publications: 01895 - Publications: 01896 - Publications: 01897 - Publications: 21898 - Publications: 01899 - Publications: 01900 - Publications: 21901 - Publications: 11902 - Publications: 11903 - Publications: 01904 - Publications: 11905 - Publications: 01906 - Publications: 01907 - Publications: 01908 - Publications: 01909 - Publications: 01910 - Publications: 31911 - Publications: 21912 - Publications: 01913 - Publications: 21914 - Publications: 11915 - Publications: 21916 - Publications: 11917 - Publications: 01918 - Publications: 01919 - Publications: 01920 - Publications: 01921 - Publications: 01922 - Publications: 01923 - Publications: 01924 - Publications: 01925 - Publications: 01926 - Publications: 01927 - Publications: 31928 - Publications: 21929 - Publications: 11930 - Publications: 11931 - Publications: 01932 - Publications: 01933 - Publications: 01934 - Publications: 01935 - Publications: 01936 - Publications: 01937 - Publications: 11938 - Publications: 01939 - Publications: 01940 - Publications: 01940 · After 1940 - Publications: 6 ~ Publications dated with odd notation: 5
  1. Collection: a001 · Notable Women in History: The Lives of Women Who in All Ages, All Lands and in All Womanly Occupations Have Won Fame and Put Their Imprint on the World's History.
    1. Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1913
    2. London: Greening, 1913
    3. London: Ballantyne, Hanson and Company, 1914
    4. London: Abbeville Press, n.d.
  2. Collection: a026 · Sketches of the Lives of Distinguished Females: Written for Girls, with a View to Their Mental and Moral Improvement.
    1. New York: Harper, 1833
    2. New York: Harper, 1837
    3. New York: Harper, 1847
    4. New York: Harper, 1854
  3. Collection: a114 · Historic Girls: Stories of Girls Who Have Influenced the History of Their Times.
    1. New York: Putnam's, 1887
    2. New York: Putnam's, 1891
    3. New York: Putnam's, 1904
    4. New York: Putnam's, 1915
  4. Collection: a177 · Female Warriors: Memorials of Female Valour and Heroism, from the Mythological Ages to the Present Era.
    1. London: Tinsley, 1879
  5. Collection: a276 · The Girls' Book of Famous Queens.
    1. New York: Crowell, 1887
    2. New York: Crowell, 1892
    3. New York: Crowell, 1915
    4. New York: Crowell, 1927
    5. London: Harrap, 1927
    6. London: Harrap, 1928
  6. Collection: a327 · Great Queens: Famous Women Rulers of the East.
    1. London: Hutchinson, 1927
    2. London: Hutchinson, 1928 · [brackets]
  7. Collection: a331 · World-Famous Women: a Portrait Gallery of Female Loveliness, Achievement and Influence, From Semiramis to Eugenie.
    1. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1859
    2. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1861
    3. New York: Derby & Jackson, 1879-80
  8. Collection: a373 · A Pageant of Great Women.
    1. London: The Suffrage Shop, 1910 · [brackets]
    2. London: Suffragette Fellowship, 1948 · [brackets]
  9. Collection: a403 · Heroines of History.
    1. New York: Cornish, Lamport, 1852
    2. New York: Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman, 1855
    3. New York: Sheldon, 1859
    4. Philadelphia: Evans, 1860
    5. Philadelphia: Davis, Porter & Coates, 1866
  10. Collection: a453 · Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns.
    1. London: Colburn & Bentley, 1831
    2. London: Saunders & Otley, 1834
    3. London: Saunders & Otley, 1840
    4. London: Routledge, 1869
    5. London: Routledge, 1870
    6. London: Routledge, 1880
    7. London: Fowle, 1900
    8. New York: Fowle, 1900
    9. New York: Werner, 1910 · [brackets]
    10. New York: Superior, 1916 · [brackets]
    11. New York: Harper, 1832
    12. New York: Harper, 1834
    13. New York: Harper, 1836
    14. New York: Harper, 1837
    15. New York: Harper, 1840
    16. New York: Harper, 1842
    17. New York: Harper, 1844
    18. New York: Harper, 1845
    19. New York: Harper, 1848
    20. New York: Harper, 1854
    21. New York: Harper, 1858
    22. New York: Harper, 1862
    23. New York: Harper, 1868
    24. New York: Harper, 1871
  11. Collection: a454 · Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illustrious Women. Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illustrious Women: Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne Boleyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiramis, Zenobia, Boadicea, Isabella of Castile, Berengaria, etc.
    1. London: Routledge, 1839
    2. London: Routledge, 1870
    3. London: Routledge, 1890
    4. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1870
    5. Philadelphia: Coates, 1900s? · [brackets]
    6. Rochester, NY: Graves, 1870? · [brackets]
    7. New York: MacLellan, 1910
  12. Collection: a529 · The Empresses of Rome.
    1. London: Methuen, 1911
    2. New York: Holt, 1911
  13. Collection: a538 · Vassal-Queens and Some Contemporary Women in the Roman Empire.
    1. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1937
  14. Collection: a569 · World-Famous Women: Types of Heroism, Beauty and Influence Including the Life, and Diamond Jubilee of Victoria Sixty Years a Queen.
    1. Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1897
    2. Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1897
    3. Philadelphia: Ziegler, 1901
  15. Collection: a589 · Gems of Womanhood; or, Sketches of Distinguished Women in Various Ages and Nations
    1. London: Gall and Inglis, 1870
    2. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 1870
    3. London and Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis, 1880-94 · [brackets]
  16. Collection: a616 · The Heroines of History.
    1. New York: Carlton & Phillips; Cincinnati, OH: Hitchcock & Walden, 1854
    2. New York: Carlton & Phillips; Cincinnati, OH: Hitchcock & Walden, 1856
    3. London: Routledge, 1854
    4. London: Routledge, 1858
    5. London: Routledge, 1877 · [brackets]
    6. New York: Routledge, 1854
    7. New York: Routledge, 1858
    8. New York: Routledge, 1877 · [brackets]
  17. Collection: a712 · Dominant Women.
    1. London: Hutchinson, 1929
    2. London: Hutchinson, 1930
    3. Freeport: Books for Libraries, 1969
  18. Collection: a831 · The Warrior Woman.
    1. London: Treherne, 1902
  19. Collection: c011 · Les Femmes illustres ou les Harangues heroïques.
    1. Paris: Chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1642
    2. Paris: Chez Augustin Courbe, 1642
  20. Collection: c012 · Galerie de Femmes Fortes. The Gallery of Heroick Women. Translated by Marquesse of Winchester
    1. London: by R. Norton for Henry Seile, 1652
    2. Paris: Chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1647
  21. Collection: c014 · The Generall History of Women, Containing the Lives of the Most Holy and Profane....
    1. London: Printed by W. H. for W. H, 1657
  22. Collection: p082D · Ten Queens: Portraits of Women of Power.
    1. New York: Dutton Children's Books, 1998
    2. New York: Dutton Children's Books, 2003
  23. Collection: p109 · 100 Women Who Shaped World History.
    1. San Francisco, CA: Bluewood, 1994
    2. Singapore: Topan, 1996