Books / Collections ~ a322

Enter the Actress: The First Women in the Theatre.

  • performing arts

WorldCat Record   |   Hathi Trust Record


1B13462From Priestess to Prostitute: The Greek and Roman Stage
2B13463Hrotsvitha, A Tenth-Century Nun: the First Woman Playwright
3B13464The Commediante Appears: The First Actresses in Italy
4B13465Isabella Andreini: Europe’s Prima Donna Innamorata
5B13466From Saltimbanque to Tragédienne: The Pioneer Actresses of France
6B13467Madeleine and Armande Béjart: Moliere’s Mistress and his Wife
7B13468Enter Ianthe, Veil’d: The First Actress in England
8B13469Mary Betterton and the Restoration Actresses
9B13470Aphra Behn: England’s First Professional Woman Playwright
10B13471Carolina Neuber: Germany’s Pioneer Actress-Manager
11B13472La Montansier: A Directress Under Marie Antoinette and the Revolution
12B13473Madame Vestris: The First Lessee Lady of the English Stage


  1. Rosamund Gilder · Author


  1. London: Boston and, 1931
  2. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931
  3. London: Harrap, 1931